Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Alergy

Just like alcohol the very substance you crave is the substance you are allergic to. I'm nt saying I cannot eat pork again! Knowing the science of addiction is important, knowing your body is important and knowing your own mind is of uttermost necessity. Your mind is your soul, your higher power and thus you make your way to a spiritual pathway and intentions, motivations and attractions that work in a healthy ,holistic lifestyle for you. Develop confidence to let others know in creative ways what don't warm for you in all your relationships. They will be grateful not to have to play the guessing game with you anymore .Gratitude is infectious!!!
Its very simple and in recovery that's important!
We have put our immune systems into severe work mode and now slowly must reintroduce them to a new stronger body style that we obtain from a new lifestyle.
Ive had a lot of help over the years on this condition of Candida! Which I feel I was born with. My body can produce sugar out of sucking on nails!!! One of my favourite authors on this topic and other related illness is Erica White who herself has been to the mat on this addiction and almost died at an early age of it.Her story is an inspiration to me and has allowed me to begin the journal my story.
I believe we can do all the step work we want and still be in active addiction because these harmful molds live undetected in our bodies.
Second stage recovery is about letting go, surrender, and learning to live a healthier more authentic life style, based in honesty open-mindedness and the willingness to share feelings thoughts and impressions in an open kind way also treating others in this regard.Making this decision to be fully responsible to myself and GOD, Goddess Spirit is a big step and one we begin over and over again towards a feeling of completeness, sacredness, and security.Its about healing and broadening our limited beliefs about ourselves.I  believe as long as the drug is being injested our delusions remain untreated and can lead to  spiritual sickness, that shows up in many ways from memory loss, to diabetes and other debilitating conditions a.We have the power to heal ourselves and Mother Earth.
In second stage recovery we can begin taking vitamins and build stronger immunities in our bodies. Eating fresh greens and drinking water helps eliminate toxins. Digesting probiotics is another important step.
Later we can level off....... not as many mood swings..... high and lows....... coffee and tea, cola, chocolate, and many energy drinks have to go! Energy creates energy, greens, high nutrient foods.Exercise as well creates energy.
One of the many harmful effects to the alcoholic body is stimulants like these that over work the adrenal gland and trigger the release of sugars into the blood stream,( stress has the same effect)
Many foods like smoked salmon, bacon, cured fish or meat like pepperoni and ham can result in a cross over sensitivity reaction!!! We are blind to this knowledge we just want to feel better NOW!

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