Thursday, July 21, 2016

The truth is that it is very difficult to find a competent Co-dependency Therapist. Someone trained in forming insightful-oriented therapy.
We in recovery need to develop and appreciate the value of letting feelings go, emerge and flow, and maintain a realistic view of willpower. Very useful tools for maturity and self reliance.
I have seen co-dependent A.A.members just follow each other around and recreate the phase-sociological patterns that they became chemical dependents out of, namely their family group.
We need therapists trained in both chemical dependence and psychodynamic traditions.
As long as meditation quiets their anxiety and they become satisfied with saying," HI my name is Holman and I'm an alcoholic", for attention, they are not experiencing their usual patterns, ie: distancing themselves from their personal needs in order to diminish their personal needs; thus diminishing their anxiety.
Co- dependency in stages one and two from chemical dependence can be very similar to borderline personality disorders.It is apparently true that some clients are border line personality disorders persons however try do keep on improving when theycan be in a structured environment. For them the goal of therapy is to establish a strong connection to a structured setting giving them a long term resource.
The best part of treatment with co-dependency is that those who initially appear borderline will quickly appear much less so as soon as the most active phase of their disease has passed.
When at last the dysfunction of a personality disorder is no longer present, clients with co-dependency traits can make excellent candidates for insight oriented therapy.
As a drug counsellor I used to say to my staff many times, "I wish I had early child care training",
To help me understand and deal with the primitive emotions intruding into an adults life. One thing for sure is that a person will not form a therapeutic alliance with anyone who is unable to validate the hard won progress they have already made. The validations of accomplishment will be a need that is not negotiable in a recovered co-dependents lifestyle.


Friday, October 2, 2015

don't follow the crowd

Many folks in second stage recovery work the twelve steps become very loving kind, spiritual and lack knowledge and action to change, and maintain a daily reprieve based on their convictions as to what is right for them. They just want to be liked and told it will be alright. Others want a quick fix and head off to the a doctor who feels helpless due to there lack of knowledge in addiction withdrawal and the time value that weighs into every individual case. They prescribe a sedative and the body is back into the same old hamster wheel cycles of being off balance wanting to get off the treadmill of the emotional highs and lows.
I got lucky I met a Native Woman in my third year and she took me to her people for months and we helped bring sweat lodges and spirit walks and full moon circles to women in all walks of life from all cultures .In 1989 I was introduced to the healing power of nature.Also at that time I met a therapist
Who helped me deal with co-dependency patterns and taught me needs are not negotiable.When in doubt don't, and when the experience is feeling really great say to ones self what is not in the picture, life is a journey and can always be improved on so take it slow, what is yours will come to you because you worked for it.He found my post trauma disorder and gave me the tricks of the trade to live healthily with this almost like an asset, not a liability.Diet, exercise, singing, writing, doing as much for myself as possible and looking for people who validate others worth.In other words nice people in my life. If you don't hear "Hey you did that really great, or see a smile and laughter , get going.Ive added another if there are no animals around or plants get going..
I walked I talked I sweat I walked some more talked and cried laughed and levelled out to find a whole new person in here I never experienced before .Me. I'm clean I'm happy I'm free I choose another way..... better who knows it works for me.....I have come home to my soul.
Sometimes I screw up and have to look for the solutions and I usally find them in old ancient ways, less sugars, more sleep, smile, don't be so serious about life is a big one for me...... Its a journey not a destination, and most important keep it simple!!!! Talk things over with one who knows.
Yesterday I gave a kid 5 bucks and I got a feeling you don't get out of a pill or a piece of dope, or a bottle...... Thanks kid!!!!
If you are always addicted to the process of becoming, soon there will be nothing left to become, and you will be filed with terror.Look to find space quiet silent still and find the still loving place in your heart for yourself, then connect there everyday for the rest of your life make a commitment to yourself to be here to be present to be whole. Help others when you are asked.
Love and Light.  Caite

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Alergy

Just like alcohol the very substance you crave is the substance you are allergic to. I'm nt saying I cannot eat pork again! Knowing the science of addiction is important, knowing your body is important and knowing your own mind is of uttermost necessity. Your mind is your soul, your higher power and thus you make your way to a spiritual pathway and intentions, motivations and attractions that work in a healthy ,holistic lifestyle for you. Develop confidence to let others know in creative ways what don't warm for you in all your relationships. They will be grateful not to have to play the guessing game with you anymore .Gratitude is infectious!!!
Its very simple and in recovery that's important!
We have put our immune systems into severe work mode and now slowly must reintroduce them to a new stronger body style that we obtain from a new lifestyle.
Ive had a lot of help over the years on this condition of Candida! Which I feel I was born with. My body can produce sugar out of sucking on nails!!! One of my favourite authors on this topic and other related illness is Erica White who herself has been to the mat on this addiction and almost died at an early age of it.Her story is an inspiration to me and has allowed me to begin the journal my story.
I believe we can do all the step work we want and still be in active addiction because these harmful molds live undetected in our bodies.
Second stage recovery is about letting go, surrender, and learning to live a healthier more authentic life style, based in honesty open-mindedness and the willingness to share feelings thoughts and impressions in an open kind way also treating others in this regard.Making this decision to be fully responsible to myself and GOD, Goddess Spirit is a big step and one we begin over and over again towards a feeling of completeness, sacredness, and security.Its about healing and broadening our limited beliefs about ourselves.I  believe as long as the drug is being injested our delusions remain untreated and can lead to  spiritual sickness, that shows up in many ways from memory loss, to diabetes and other debilitating conditions a.We have the power to heal ourselves and Mother Earth.
In second stage recovery we can begin taking vitamins and build stronger immunities in our bodies. Eating fresh greens and drinking water helps eliminate toxins. Digesting probiotics is another important step.
Later we can level off....... not as many mood swings..... high and lows....... coffee and tea, cola, chocolate, and many energy drinks have to go! Energy creates energy, greens, high nutrient foods.Exercise as well creates energy.
One of the many harmful effects to the alcoholic body is stimulants like these that over work the adrenal gland and trigger the release of sugars into the blood stream,( stress has the same effect)
Many foods like smoked salmon, bacon, cured fish or meat like pepperoni and ham can result in a cross over sensitivity reaction!!! We are blind to this knowledge we just want to feel better NOW!


After thirty years of recovery from active addiction, years in therapeutic settings both as a recipient and as a rehab counsellor, miles and miles of Spiritual research, Christianity, Buddhism, Gnosticism, Aboriginal and Egyptian symbology as well as the Celtic Spirituality of my ancestors I found myself in severe withdrawal.
Ive written University papers on Alcoholism, studied hypnotherapy, linguistics training, chemistry of the brain and countless other forms of input along my days of self discovery, compassion and sharing,on my spiritual pathway, sober and free from the horrors of active addiction.
Ive counselled hundreds of recovering persons, attended seminars, given seminars,travelled to many speaking engagements in this country and the Caribbean to share a spiritual solution, informed and even at times inspired  message of recovery and maintance.I believe in the goodness of all things and this message is sacred to me in every way.I have witnessed nothing hot of miracles along this path.
However despite all my efforts, and my position in my recovery community, I found myself at 10pm on a Monday night in screaming severe withdrawal!!! As sick as if I were entering detox for the very first time, of which there was only one!!!! I've never looked back except to know and ascertain my long journey into living happy joyous and free.
This withdrawal was so severe at 10pm on this night like a screaming alcoholic I went to the PORK in the fridge!!! The pig and I ate it out!!!! Canadian Yeast withdrawal symptoms had won!!! This addiction is food allergy!!!
This blog is an attempt to share with others on this pathway, although individual in nature, my experience and learning in the hope of alleviating you; the recovering person of these horrible symptoms of this Canada Yeast related illness.
This blog will set up short narratives and pictures on the subject.
Please if you are in recovery from chemical mood altering substances GO! Have allergy testing done once a year...... they change and can be very debilitating after being clean for a period of time.
Stop smoking and stop using and abusing your body, let it be you guide not your master.